Procedures and Services

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  • Application for award with a $5.00 stamp.
  • Lease agreement or document proving this act.
  • Certification of the rent received by the causer.
  • List of persons who were financially dependent on the deceased landlord.
  • Certificate of Death, Marital Status and Affiliation.
  • Inventory and appraisal of the total land leased.
  • Cadastral certification.
  • Land certificate.
  • Legal opinion of the Director or Head of the Land Control Department and of the Head of the Legal Department.
  • Resolution of the Delegate or Provincial Director of Agriculture.
  • Notification to the heir, to the Company Director that receives the Land and to the Municipal Direction of Work and Social Security.
  • Payment of the tax.

Note: Upon the death of the owner of the rustic farm, the Delegate or Municipal Director, orders the payment of rent for a period of 90 days to the heirs who depend economically on the causer, or less time provided that there is the pronouncement of the Delegate or Provincial Director, the amount may not exceed what the lessor charged.

The Resolution that awards the inheritance provides for the transfer to the state of the rustic estate and the cancellation of the rent and the payment of the value of the estate to the heirs who are entitled under Article 18 of Decree-Law 125/91.

The applicable rules are:

  • Special Provision Seventh and Eighth of Decree-Law 125/91.
  • Section Five of Agreement 1273 dated 30 September 1962, issued by the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers.
  • Resolution No. 24/91.

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  • Written request from the interested party with a stamp of 5 pesos.
  • Cadastral Certificate.
  • Certificate of Soils.
  • Appraisal of the land, agricultural goods and goods, issued by the competent authority.
  • Bank Certification  on debts.
  • Certificate of Registered Holder.
  • Purchase and Sale Contract signed by the owner of the Agricultural Production Unit (seller) and the Company Director   executing the purchase.
  • Criterion of the President of the National Association of Small Farmers at provincial level.
  • Model Pension Application for Purchase of Farm, signed by the Delegate or Provincial Director of Agriculture, or disposition approving the purchase when payment is in installments or cash.


To be 60 years old in the case of women and 65 years old in the case of men. In the case of not having reached the age indicated in the previous numeral, the inability to work the land must be accredited, which shall be determined by the Corresponding Medical Expertise Commission.

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Principle: Cases of finding marijuana on usufructuary lands shall be prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of Decree-Law No. 232: "On Confiscation for Acts Related to Drugs, Acts of Corruption or Other Unlawful Behaviours",  January 21, 2003, and its Regulations, Resolution No. 285 / January 29, 2003, and its Regulations, Resolution No. 285  January 29, 2003. Resolution No. 6,  January 24, 2003, all in view of the special rules for this matter, and therefore shall not extinguish the usufruct for any of the grounds established in Decree-Law No. 300/2012, when it deals drug to a landowner or usufructuary of land, anywhere in the country, proceed the application of this special rule, does not have to be within the rustic farm.

As the lands are indivisible, the occupation of drugs on it, involves the total confiscation and not a quota or proportion.

Documents to be incorporated

  • In order to dictate the Confiscatory Resolution on the part of the Delegate or Provincial Director of the one of the Agriculture, they will be incorporated:
  • Land Registry File.
  • Inventory and Valuation of land and agricultural goods.
  • A written statement based on information from   MININT Specialized Agency, or the corresponding Public Prosecutor's Office, which accredits that what is occupied corresponds to drugs.
  • - Criteria of the ANAP Presidents   at the provincial and national levels.
  • - Resolution of the Provincial Agriculture Delegate or Director  .
  • - Notification.

Review procedure

  • Application with $ 5.00 stamp.
  • Investigations carried out.
  • Criterion of   Agriculture.Delegate or Provincial Director of
  • Criterion of the President of  National Association of Small Farmers.
  • Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture.
  • Notification to offenders and to the Company that receives the land and agricultural goods, having to update its situation in the Land Registry.

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  • Application for expropriation, argued by the Provincial Delegate.
  • Proof of the warnings made to the accused in the cases that are required.
  • Written response from the small farmer with a stamp of $ 5.00 MN.
  • Inventory and appraisal of the Agricultural Production Unit.
  • Registry of the proposed purchase of the property and its acceptance or not by the owner.
  • Record of the land.
  • Certification of the debts issued by the bank.
  • Opinion of the President of the Credit and Services Cooperative.
  • Opinion of the ANAP President  the municipal, provincial and national levels.
  • Legal opinion signed by the Director or Head of the Provincial Department of Land Control and the Head of the Legal Department.
  • Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture.
  • Foliate, indexing and prescribing the dossier.
  • Notification.
  • Complaint dossier with the Provincial People's Court.
  • Sentence.
  • Notification to the Company that will receive the land and to the Individual.
  • Update the area of the Company that receives the land in the register of land tenure.

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  • Application of the Provincial and Municipal  Agriculture Delegate or Director.
  • Resolution or Act of Creation of the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production.
  • Letter from the Company Director stating the reasons for the dissolution.
  • Criterion of the Municipal Delegate.
  • Letter from the National Union of Agricultural and Forestry Workers at its three levels.
  • Letter from the Director of Attention to Production Units of the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture and notification thereof.

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  • Request for exchange parts with a stamp of $ 20.00  
  • Record of the land of both parties.
  • The Company Directors   must accredit the state interest in the exchange, that is to say, in what benefits the State when authorizing this act, both the one that receives and the one that delivers the lands.
  • Criteria of   ANAP Presidents   at the provincial and municipal levels of both territories and     ANAP President at the national level.
  • Bank certification   about possible debts.
  • Legal opinion issued by the Director or Head of t Provincial Land Control Department and the Head of the Legal Department.
  • Appraisal and Inventory of the land and of the benefactors incorporated to it.
  • Criteria of the Delegates or Provincial Directors of Agriculture in both territories, when the exchange is between provinces. In the case of exchange within the same province, the same documents are requested but at the municipal level and the criterion of the President of the ANAP at the provincial level.
  • Press, foliate and index the file updating the paperwork.
  • Resolution authorizing the exchange.
  • Notification to the parties.
  • Payment of the corresponding tax.
  • Registration Act.

Procedures for exchanges.

The small farmer who requests to exchange with areas of the State, submits his request to the Municipal Director of Land Control, accompanying the letter of the Director of the Company who agrees to deliver the land, other actions of certification, issuance of criteria, research and others, shall be in charge of the territory where he resides, transferring the registration file to the higher instance to be completed in the other territory, being the Provincial Delegate or Director who concludes the procedure or submits it to the Minister of Agriculture, similar action will be when done between small farmers.

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  • Cooperative creation document.
  • Minutes or Resolution of   Liquidation Commission.
  • Minutes of the General Assembly of members.
  • Request of the Provincial and Municipal Agriculture Delegate or Director  
  • Criterion of   ANAP President   in its three levels.
  • Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture and notification thereof.

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  • Written Promotion with the stamp of $ 5.00 MN.
  • Registry File.
  • If it  is represented, it will incorporate a copy of the Legal Services Contract.
  • Certification of Death of the causer.
  • Certification of Marriage.
  • Birth Certificate of all possible heirs.
  • To incorporate the investigations and verifications made on the time of the work in the land.
  • Criterion of the CCS president and the Board of Directors.
  • Incorporate inventory and appraisal.
  • Certification of possible debts with the Bank.
  • Criteria of the Presidents of the ANAP at the national, provincial and municipal levels.
  • Incorporate a legal opinion signed by the Director or Head of the Provincial Land Control Department and the Head of the Legal Department.
  • If there is a contradiction between the ANAP President and the Provincial Delegate or Director, submit to the consideration of the Provincial Agrarian Commission, incorporating a copy of the Minutes where the case was analyzed.
  • Criteria of the Provincial Delegate or Director and of the President of the ANAP at the same level, addressed to the Minister, where they exceptionally request the award.
  • Pressed, foliate and index the File and update the paperwork.
  • Resolution issued by the Minister.
  • Notification to all parties.
  • Payment in the ONAT.
  • Minutes of Registration.

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