Corporate Products
- Equipo de Produccion Nacional
- Corporate products
- Hits: 3929
Financing to State Entities: Funds granted by the Bank by means of a contract to the client in a determined time, which can be used partially or totally. It is used for:
Working Capital: Includes the short-term resource needs of companies for the acquisition of raw materials, wages, materials, services, etc.
Investments: Covers medium and long term financing requirements derived from their needs for application and/or modernization of installed capacities.
Financing for self-employed workers (TCP) and other forms of Non-State Management: These are granted to finance the purchase of goods, inputs, equipment and for any other purpose that contributes to the proper functioning of the activity. Exceptionally, financing is granted for the purchase of motor vehicles; the request is submitted to the Central Office's Credit Committee. Financing can be used in its different modalities and classifications.
Granting of Credits to Non-Agricultural Cooperatives: These are granted in Cuban pesos (CUP) and are subject to credit for Non-Agricultural Cooperatives in formation and constituted Non-Agricultural Cooperatives. The credits requested for initial working capital shall be made only once and shall cover the financing needs to ensure that the Cooperative is able to consolidate in its initial stage, being able to cover with these, needs associated with the purchase of means of rotation, raw materials and others. NACs requiring bank loans may access them at differentiated rates for the first two years, provided that the risk analysis is satisfactory and their granting is approved by the Credit Committee.
Leasing: Financing that is formalized in a lease contract between the owner of the good and the Bank, which is going to use it in an agreed term, through the payment of a certain installment. At the end of this period, the client acquires the property.
Other Corporate Services:
- Factoring: Set of services supported by the transfer to the bank of the documented collection rights held by the cedents over third parties. It may include the following services: collection management, financial advice for the administration of the client portfolio and financing.
- Local letter of credit: Payment instrument by means of which the buyer's and seller's banks carry out collection and payment actions, respectively; subject to agreement between the seller and the buyer by means of a contract on its use and the presentation of the documents agreed for payment.
- Domiciliation of payroll: Service through which salaries in CUP and CUC can be charged by magnetic card, minimizing risks to the entities in the transfer of cash, in addition giving clients the possibility of paying directly discounted debts.
- Financial Counseling: The Bank provides clients with all types of counseling at no cost.